That's me

Modeling collaborations for the creation of historical figures have made me appreciate this hobby more and more, so much so that I became co-founder of the Historical Group and Artistic Studio (G.A.St.Art.) Of which I have been art-director since 2006; I also oversee the realization of the Monte San Savino Show, one of the leading events in the international panorama of Historical and Fantasy figurines. Today the miniature reproduction of both historical and fantasy artistic figures, through the so-called self-construction, is what satisfies me the most and, as a good model maker, I am still engaged in the study of new materials and techniques, also exploring the worlds of painting " artistic "to keep fit with the" colors ". 

Notatio nature et animadversio peperit artem
(Marco Tullio Cicerone "De Oratore" 55-54 b.C.)

- "Art has always endeavored, in every age, to provide man with a voice so that he can express his silent desire for the divine." (Hermann Hesse)
- "Whoever works with his hands is a worker. Who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. Who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist. "(St. Francis of Assisi)
- "A work of art to become immortal must always overcome the limits of the human without worrying about common sense or logic." (Giorgio de Chirico)
- "You can exist without art, but without it you can't Live." (Oscar Wilde)
- "I have never made painting a work of art. It's just research." (Pablo Picasso)

- „L'arte si è sempre sforzata, in ogni tempo, di fornire all'uomo una voce affinché egli possa esprimere il suo muto desiderio del divino.“(Hermann Hesse)
- "Chi lavora con le sue mani è un lavoratore. Chi lavora con le sue mani e la sua testa è un artigiano. Chi lavora con le sue mani e la sua testa ed il suo cuore è un artista."
(San Francesco d’Assisi)
- "Un’opera d’arte per divenire immortale deve sempre superare i limiti dell’umano senza preoccuparsi né del buon senso né della logica." (Giorgio De Chirico)
- "Si può esistere senza arte, ma senza di essa non si può Vivere." (Oscar Wilde)
- "Non ho mai reso la pittura un'opera d'arte. E' solo ricerca." (Pablo Picasso)